A tale of a bar, a biker and a beagle in Wales

Had I not spotted that doggy in the window, I would never have hitched a ride on a vintage caboose en route to a village called Beddgelert and paid tribute to a hound named Gelert.

It all started with a billboard directing us to “the smallest bar in Wales”.  Located mere steps from a 13th century medieval fortress, Bar Bach was a gem of a find in the Welsh town of Caernarfon - that is, if you are able to accurately pronounce it.  I must confess that I struggled to correctly enunciate, repeatedly garbling this tongue twister of a name.  Like seriously, how challenging is it to say “Kar-Nar-Von”?

How and why Travel Bud and I ended up in a remote Welsh village is a tale best told another day, so those details will just have to wait, as this week’s scribble is about a biker and his dog that led us on a railway journey back in time.

Whether a gimmick or a trick, the wording on the placard outside the micro-pub worked like a charm and we had no choice but to saunter on in.  Rustic and intimate, the décor was a mélange of wooden beams and stonework.  The crackling fireplace added yet another layer of cozy to the Inn. 

And, there we found Toby, lounging on a red leather covered barrel.

Next thing you know, Travel Bud and I were indulging in some Guinness and chatting up a storm with our newly found biker friend.

Uh - oh!  

Drat!  Meant to say Fiddlesticks instead!

Under normal circumstances, there is no way in Hell that I would strike up a convo with a heavily tattooed dude and not fear for my very existence.  Whether you label me either a princess or an overly skittish prude, the sight of a Harley Davidson motorcade sends shivers of fear up my spine. 

But alas, first impressions are oftentimes misjudgements of character. 

The bond between the burly biker and his four-legged companion was undeniable.  Toby was the epitome of gentleness and on his best behaviour.  The pair had just returned from an excursion to the countryside, riding the rails on a narrow-gauge steam-engine choo-choo.  The village of Beddgelert was a highly recommended stop, a picturesque spot where dogs cavorted and played and the home of a 13th century hound named Gelert.

And with a woof and a paw-shake, Toby bid us a slobbered adieu.

Next post:  Come along for a ride in an old-fashioned caboose as the journey continues.....

Post will be published in a week or so.  Sometime the w/o May 11th.  Either Tuesday, Wednesday or thereabouts.  

Stay home, stay safe, catch up on your reading and look up the Welsh folk-tale of Gelert, my friends!

Doggy in the window! 

No explanation needed.

The castle 


Guess where?  NOT my living room!


Gelert and friend

The scribbling continues...

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