In search of castles - or was that umbrellas? - in picture perfect Ghent

Rain, rain, go away, come again another day.

Just thunder on off and go rain on someone else’s parade, if you must put a damper on yet another sunny day!  And, like seriously, go line your ducks all in a row and go splish splash in someone else’s bath!  And, while you’re at it, puddle jump on over into the lake, will ya, and drown your sorrows away as you cry me a river of your oh so annoying crocodile tears. 

Did I happen to mention that it rained cats and dogs during my four-day excursion to medieval Ghent?  And, you’ll never guess which mantra I chanted over and over and over again until ad nausea set on in?

Yikes!! It's still raining!!

Perhaps I should therefore title all upcoming blog posts “The rain chronicles:  How one pink sneaker clad ol’ Auntie puddle-jumped her way across Europe”.  Followed by the ever so informative “How not to go broke as you dart from bistro to shop to bistro again on quest to outrun inclement weather”.  Or, how about the immensely popular “Drenched.  A soaker of a tale – trading in sunscreen and bikinis for boots and brollies”.

You get the picture.  Or rain slicker and umbrella.

Dank and drizzle ruled the day with the sun reluctant to come out to play.  A blanket of grey loomed ominously on the horizon - quite the juxtaposition to the kaleidoscope of brightly hued parasols that dotted the landscape for what appeared to be miles on end.  Even locals opted to stay indoors and cuddle, lest risk being caught in the midst of a downpour like none other.

Not surprisingly, the only ones out and about were Travel Bud and I and a handful of wet and shivering tourists, all clutching sopping maps and rain splattered guidebooks.  No longer on the hunt for a patio with a view, our priorities had now shifted to seeking refuge from the storm and scoring waterproof slickers and all essential weather gear.

So much for snapping that National Geographic worthy pic of age-old castles set against a backdrop of cotton candy fluff and turquoise skies.  As for that leisurely boat ride along the canal?  Clearly not meant to be.  Squinting in our oh so chic sunnies and catching rays off the dancing waves would just have to wait until the next time around.

No sun.  But at least it's no longer raining!

Guess we’ll just have to make do with an itinerary of quite the different sort and set up camp in a quaint and charming bistro and languish the afternoon away, imbibe in a Stella or two and watch the world trip, slip and skedaddle on by.

After all, things could be worse.  They could be fresh out of Stella!

Come hang out with cuckoo ol’ Auntie Nora and sidekick Oz, as we ditch our sopping wet Keds for rubber boots and brollies and trek around Ghent in fashionable style.  And, what better way to appreciate age-old architecture and beer than from the comfort of your cozy café?  Looks like a return trip in sunnier weather is definitely next on the agenda!

Next blog – In three weeks!!  Wednesday, April 13th!!

Catch up with the adventures of cuckoo ol’ Auntie Nora and sidekick Oz in Belgium!  Stay tuned!

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