Strolling along the denizens of tiny, crammed stalls that
were literally overflowing with a cornucopia of knickknacks, trinkets of all
shapes and sizes jostling for one’s hard-earned Euro, Miss Niece couldn’t help
but excitedly exclaim how her shopaholic ol’ Auntie would have been mesmerized
by the sight of these shiny silver baubles. Furiously digging in her crammed backpack, the
Kid pulled out a mile long list of items that her Auntie had kindly requested (more
like desperately begged) her to transport home, “but only if something beckoned, was a reasonable price and not overly awkward or burdensome
to have to schlep around the isles”. Yeah, right. Good luck with that one.
Okay then, that most definitely didn’t rule anything out, as
small leather goods were easily transportable, intricately woven bracelets
could be stacked high on the arm and miniature marble imitation replica key-chains
of the Acropolis could easily line the bottom of her sac, virtually weightless
and buried deep amongst the layers of assorted curios. Life-size statues of bronzed Greek Gods, on
the other hand, could not only be a tad bit cumbersome (you think?) to lug on the
beach, a sure-fire guarantee to pique both the intrigue and fascination of
curious passers-by. Their inquisitive
stares and glares would surely elicit a plethora of questions of the not so
pleasant kind, ones that Miss Kid would rather not have to willingly answer. And, pray tell, just what type of pathetically
embellished excuse would the customs agents be willing to accept? Statue,
what statue? Just to appease her cuckoo Auntie’s eccentric
hoarding and satchel acquisition issues?
Scavenging for foreign crafted treasures would therefore
have to take a back seat to more pressing tasks, such as - scampering on the
beachfront and meandering along winding pathways picturesquely nestled between the quaintest
of white-washed houses enveloped by an explosion of cascading violet and fuchsia
hued blooms, all set against an aquamarine sky.
After all, there were monuments to be photographed, memories and
experiences to be forged and footprints to be re-traced. So what if she had conveniently forgotten (and the key word her is purposefully neglected) to scour the
shops and markets in quest of low-budget souvenirs? Her batty-old Auntie’s Greek-inspired wish
list would have to be temporarily put on hold, as foraging for trinkets was
most definitely not on Miss Niece’s
immediate radar.
And so it was with just a slight tinge of desperation that
Miss Kid found herself, on the eve of her last night in Crete, torn between
just chillin’ with her friends on the beach or heading to market, as if she
were her delusional ol’ Auntie’s personal shopper! Deliciously soaking up the last vestiges of
the late afternoon’s golden rays – until the pinkish hue of twilight magically
transformed the heavens into a twinkling blanket of brilliance, Le Niece
imagined herself on the cover of a glossy fashion mag, languishing the
afternoon away, as only super models could.
Throwing caution to the wind, her windswept locks sashaying
every which way, Miss Niece raced along the rocky shoreline to catch up with her
pals and party with the best of them, when an unexpected tumble sent her ever
so ungracefully plummeting to earth.
Spitting out a mélange of sand and itsy bitsy stones, the Kid was none
too pleased – hot pink-manicured tootsies stubbed and bleeding, her
meticulously poised and perfected Goddess image irrevocably shattered.
Tears streaming down her face, cursing those “stupid rocks” for tripping her up, the
Kid lamented her luckless fate….those
stupid, stupid, inconveniently placed useless rocks….and then it hit her,
as if Zeus himself had magically struck her with a bolt of lightening – a flash
of brilliance – Eureka!! – Shopping dilemma averted!! – A handful of Grecian
pebbles and stones would make quite the unique and meticulously selected
souvenir for her wacky ol' Auntie Nora’s coffee table!!
As for those bronze marble life-size statues, well, there's always Athens!!
As for those bronze marble life-size statues, well, there's always Athens!!
Pink Sneakers Tidbits of Fascinating Facts
and Interesting Info:
Did you know that the most
popular drink in Greece is coffee? Who
Did you know that tossing an
apple to a girl was an ancient marriage proposal tradition? Careful who you hand that apple to!!
Did you know that the number of
Greek islands varies anywhere between 1,600 and 6,000, with roughly 250 of them
populated. Yikes!! That’s at least an entire year’s worth of
ferry / island hopping!
Did you know that Greece has the
highest number of International airports?
Pink Sneakers on the Go suspects that it’s got something to do with the
number of undetermined islands.
Did you know why the majority of
the doors and windowsills are painted a vivid aquamarine turquoise blue shade? In order to keep the evil spirits away, of
Did you know that the number of
tourists that visit Greece each year is significantly higher than the country’s
entire population? That’s about 16
million visitors traipsing around on any given day. Let’s hope you’re not claustrophobic!!
Did you know that not only do tourists flock to Greece but so do the birds!
Almost 100,000 birds from Asia and Europe migrate to this neck of the
woods, choosing to spend their winters in this sunny and hospitable climate.
Come tag along with the Kid on her fabulous adventures in
Greece and Italy, finally free from the constricting clutches of her eccentric
shopaholic vino-indulging designer satchel obsessed ol' Auntie…or so she thinks….
Next week - where to next? On route to Athens!! Stay tuned for more of Miss Kid’s Miss-adventures!!
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