My knowledge of Spanish is quite limited, and I was kind of worried that I would not be able to communicate with the locals when I travelled to Barcelona recently. I was therefore quite surprised when I taught myself all of the Spanish that I needed to know just by flipping through the fashion magazines. It wasn't necessary to comprehend all of the language, only a few key words.

• Bolso - Handbag
• Zapatos - Shoes
• Botas - Boots
• Vestido - Dress
• Pantalones - Shorts/Pants
• Camisa - Shirt
• Guantes - Gloves
• Collar - Necklace
• Pendientes - Earrings
• Gafas - Eyeglasses
My Espana fashion mags were instrumental in guiding me to the latest and coolest European trends. All that I needed to know about looking fab in ensembles that complemented my chic Parisienne pink sneakers!
• Moda - Fashion
• Colores - Colours
• Bolso rose - Pink handbag
• Nuevas modas - Latest fashion (that's my guess)
• Vestir los looks mas trendys (needs an accent on the a of "mas" but it's not available on my keyboard) - Wearing the latest trendy looks
Fashion mags in hand, I head out to the shopping districts of Barcelona, confident that I will be able to communicate my shopaholic desires to the Spanish shopgirls. All that I need to do is to point, say bolso (handbag), zapatos (shoes), botas (boots) and vestido (dress). Sauntering out of the shops, numerous carrier bags in hand, I am in my shop till you drop glory, when I suddenly realize that I'm hungry. All this acquisition of small leather goods and stylish clothing has left me quite famished. Paella, pescado, carne, queso is all that I see on the menu...what does it mean? Is it edible? Yikes!! Really should have also devoted some energy to learning the Spanish words for food. A girl's gotta have enough stamina in order to be able to spend numerous hours running from store to store. Can't focus on the latest bargains when you're about to faint from hunger. Just to clarify...that's not the same as fainting from your next credit card bill!
Pink sneakers on the go travel tip:
• Learn your fashion lingo from the local fashion magazines
• Learn about local food by getting a foodie magazino (yikes...bad Spanish...still learning).
If all else fails, pour yourself a huge pitcher of sangria, put your feet up and flip through your stack of Spanish Vogue mags and dream. You're on vacation and life is good!!
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