Write. Anything. Scribble.
Whatever. Even if it’s gibberish. Or just a whole lot of nonsense.
After all, I’m in a bit of a conundrum, as my faithful
sidekicks in rhyme and storytelling, have apparently jumped ship and gone
Not hiding under the bed, nor sequestered in the
library (if only!), my formerly dependable scribbling muses are nowhere to be
Bored stiff by a humdrum life of 9 to 5 – and not like
I blame them – the monotony of languishing the days away in a dull and boring
office was not the sort of life Inspiration, Imagination and
Creativity had envisioned. Nope. They had dreams and loftier
aspirations: Scaling the snow-capped peak of Mount
Kilimanjaro, traipsing along the Great Wall of China and sipping bubbly in
sun-drenched Capri, all on the bucket-list of places to see and things to
do. After all, there’s a great big world out there and pushing paper in a
stuffy ol’ job was just not going to cut it when there were far more desirable
ways to fill one’s day. Mastering a foreign tongue,
discovering ancient cultures and sinking one’s chops into oh so
delectable gastronomic cuisine, just to name a few!
Capri. But wait....where's my yacht?? |
Positano. The view says it all. |
La dolce vita....my heart belongs in Italy. |
But my first love is Paris. |
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The Kid in Dubai. And where is cuckoo ol' Auntie Nora?? |
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The Kid in Greece. And where is cuckoo ol' Auntie Nora?? |
So, there I was. Stuck. Staring at a blank
piece of paper, my pen run dry. My laptop keyboard was silent, no frantic
clacking or clicking, spelling out adventures and tales of a glamorous and
action-packed life of a travel blogger on the go.
Imagination, Inspiration and Creativity. WHERE ARE YOU?????? |
I need a story!!! Keyboard is NOT co-operating! |
Nothing. Nada. Zilch.
The well had run dry. Now what?
My first task at hand was straightforward:
Figure out exactly where the three of them had buggered off to. Like, had they just packed up their bags and
run away from home? Perhaps on a jet plane to exotic lands across
the sea? First class or economy? Chauffeured limo or
roller blades? Or would they give my pink sneakers a run for their money
and elect to marathon on ahead instead? And, since we’re on the topic of greenbacks,
just who was going to cover their expenses? After all, money doesn’t grow
on trees (unfortunately not in this part of the globe) and exactly one of the
reasons that some of us (yup, moi!)
have no choice but to slave the weeks and months away, bunker down at home and
stash the coffers with hard-earned cash. Granted, waiting 345
excruciatingly long days for one’s highly anticipated 20 day European vacation
is challenging enough to say the least – not to mention quite the stretch with
nary a well-deserved break in-between, except for an occasional long-weekend
thrown in every couple of months.
Patience and practicality were never Imagination
and Inspiration’s most admirable traits, thus most likely precipitating
their impromptu and hastily planned escape from the drudgery of the daily
grind. Imagination’s take on life was ever so grandiose, always
reaching for the stars whilst shooting for the moon. Anything and
everything was both attainable and possible. You just have to believe in
your own greatness. Inspiration literally lived on the same page
as Imagination, driven by Ideas dreamt up by Creativity.
Creativity, on the other hand, required the co-operation of Imagination
as well as constant and forceful nudges from Inspiration in order to
soar and live out one’s dreams. But, if all three were stuck in a rut,
curled up on the sofa, gorging on bonbons and watching endless re-runs of Lifestyles
of the Rich and Famous, it is no wonder then, that something had to
give. Time to hit the road and kick-start their own adventures to far-away
lands and exotic places.
So what’s a travel blogger to do, but lace up her pink
sneakers and embark on a mission of her own to track down the wayward trio.
After all, I have a blog post to write and my partners in
rhyme have gone missing.
Stay tuned for the continuation of
the adventures of Pink Sneakers on the Go somewhere. But where?
Quebec City? Lisbon? Porto?
Next blog – In four weeks!
Wednesday, December 28th! (It’s going to take me at least that
long to track the three of them down!)